Our Army at War (1952) Issue# 190, Page: Cover

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Tranactions for Our Army at War (1952) Issue# 190, Page: Cover

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21976 cirnick Past Purchase 5/18/2017 $10,755.00

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Page#: 3
UPI: 157

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Inker: Jack Abel

Art Type: Half Splash
Year: 1968
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Page#: 7
UPI: 14277

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Page#: 11
UPI: 13804

Artist: Russ Heath

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Page Details
Unique Page Identifier: 29112

IssueNo: 190
PageNo: Cover
Art Type: Cover
Publisher: DC

Artist: Joe Kubert
Inker: Joe Kubert

Year: 1968
Comic Era: Silver
Dimensions: 10" x 15"
Page View Count: 2031

AddedDate: 5/23/2017
AddedBy : cirnick


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